Dechantengrund 1
06618 Naumburg
Telefon: 03445 – 78300
Frank Dörnbrack
Amtsgericht Stendal
HRB: 210805
Ust.-ID-Nr.: DE 185961720
Responsible for the content:
Kristin Gebhardt
Corporate communication and marketing, SPITZKE SE
Image copyrights
Note on gender neutrality
For reasons of improved legibility , simultaneous use of both male and female pronouns in all website texts is replaced by the use of the singular “they” form. All personal nouns apply equally to both genders.
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The information provided on the web pages of MuR-STAHLBAU GmbH is updated continuously. The content of this website is compiled with the greatest possible care. However, we do not accept any liability for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the content provided.
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GVZ Berlin Süd
Märkische Allee 39/41
14979 Großbeeren