Are you looking for a multi-faceted, secure job with good prospects? If so, you have come to the right place and chech your career opportunities. Are you interested in technologies like welding, turning parts or coating materials? Even better, we can offer you a permanent job and a performance-related salary. A job in the steel industry is a job with a secure future – a great choice. In railway construction, for example, our products are setting sustainable and climate-friendly mobility in motion.
When you work with us, we actively support your professional development so your career will grow too. In cooperation with the SPITZKE AKADEMIE, we offer you the chance to gain relevant qualifications, and further training and education for your job and personal development.
Let’s keep it simple: apply to us directly. Just fill in our short application form (only available in German) – we will contact you as soon as possible. Let’s discuss the next steps together.
Dechantengrund 1
06618 Naumburg
Phone: 03445 7830 0
Fax: 03445 7830 60